Senin, 08 April 2013

Oddly Enough: Pied Piper

It’s the most easiest hidden object game I ever played and the hardest is Jane Austin’s Live Novel: Pride and Prejudice. Even people said that it’s the worst game and stop playing it not so long after they started the game. And I FINISHED it! I think the game was not that bad, just too complicated and kinda unattractive for a game should be. So for you who are too lazy to read the literature work, never think it’s more fun to know the story from playing the game. Just read the literature which never order you to find the hidden objects just to know the ending. lol. Okay, back to Pied Piper. It’s also the first game I played with clear ending storyline. oh, forget.. Pride and Prejudice also had clear ending. hehe.
Why I said it’s the most easiest hidden object game is because we just need to find the objects with no color underneath the screen (with number only 6-8 objects) and no need to wait to click skip button in the puzzle session. But I love the cute characters and graphic.
One July night, Pied Piper freed the town from rats with the help of his Magic Flute. But greedy Major refused to pay Pied Piper and kicked him out of town.  Pied piper swore to take vengeance. It appeared that sounds of Magic Flute may affect not only rats but children. So he took all the kids in town and locked them in his tower.

Town of Hameln..
Save the children! Collect money from the people in town to pay Pied Piper’s right with ten gold coins.
You must help the gate guard to find his tobacco and key to enter the town. Man in apothecary wants to give his money but his cat doesn’t allow him to do that because the cat is afraid he will spend what he saved to buy its dinner. Need to make special food for the cat and the ingredients only be got from the fortune teller. 
 Go to the baker but he doesn’t want to open his door because there’s a huge gargoyle on his roof. The gargoyle doesn’t want to move from the roof because he can’t fly without his pocket watch so you must help him to fly. 
The baker wants to pay for pied piper but his cash register is angry and won’t give him the money. So talk to the furnace!
 Go to the gardener and she will help you to cut the branches which block you to other place. Buy you must help her to find the sharp shear first. Circus AreaFree the tiger circus so it will help you with something that will come in handy.
Help the Magician’s Assistant to find her earring dropped in the water tank so she will help you.Enter the circus tent which means you need to find a ticket and fix the circus exit door so it can lead you to Pied Piper’s tower to save the children.
Pied Piper’s tower  Continue to the Blacksmith who is loud snoring and need coal for fire. Serve him a cup of coffee but you need to find the mechanical cyclist’s leg first. 
He wishes to pay for the Pied Piper but his money was dropped in the well. So you need to take the money from the well. Inside the tower, the children found in abnormal size in a box. Help them to get their normal size back. Fix the ladder to lead you to Pied Piper’s top tower.  From the intercom the Pied Piper will tell you how to change the children to their normal size if only you put the money as he orders. Pied Piper keeps his promise and tell you how to change the children and they really back to their normal size. Before they go, one of the children gives you a key he found before the Pied Piper shrank them.

Because what? The Pied Piper wishes to make the whole town under his sway with his magic flute by hypnotising them.
No way, Pied Piper! You’re Lost!!
Their heroine has saved their town!
"Me!" lol

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