Sabtu, 27 April 2013

Meet The Girls

Finally can meet the girls though the plan was already talked from 3 weeks ago. At the first week, Ira couldn't join because of her relative's party. The second week, no one bop up and down the plan. So the third week I texted the girls to meet up this week and decided to do it at Saturday as it's Fani's off day from work.
I said we met at Plaza Medan Fair at 11. Ira inbox-ed me on Facebook told that she would come at 12 due to her dealing of something. Something pop up in my mind: her business was related to her unable to wake up in the morning. lol Ayu and Fani said yes but I've been friends with them for more than 4 years. I know what will happen if making appointment to meet with them. As usual, I'm the first who came and must wait the lelet-lelet girls arrived. It happened for years -,-" Only Sitti who can be on time every time we promised to meet up. Tiiii.. We miss you. Usually I'll nag for their lateness but no for yesterday.
Fani's forced smile. Why force? Her natural smile was by showing her neat and white teeth. lol

Fani came at 12 and we bought her compact powder first while waiting the two girls. Ayu texted me that she must back to take her vehicle number certificate. Ira came at 12 something and at almost 12.30, Ayu texted again and asked if we wanted to wait for her or not. 
ihhh. pengen kali ku tekekkan. 
Fani told me to just reply 'yes' But we were the three hunger girls so decided to have lunch without Ayu. Had lunch in A PLACE.

Ira's order. Beef Fried Rice.
The taste was a so so. Too fishy.The egg was too dry. The food was out of her expectation because she didn't believe if it's her order. lol Me? I'm not luckier T_T 
My order. Noodle Soup. 
Ira had remained me if only the noodle will taste bad.  But the picture tantalised me so much. Moreover, it's noodle! Regret for not listen to Ira's advice. The noodle was too bad in my tongue. As long as my remembrance, it's the first time I felt like can't stand with a food taste. I can't finish it. Fani told me violated the ethics since I always tell them to finish their foods. lol 
Fani's order. Martabak Mesir (Egypt Martabak. How call martabak in English? Crepe?)
Taste so so in my tongue but the girl looked like loving the taste.
Ira with Fani's Martabak
The drinks. Fani's avocado something (forget the name) and my strawberry float soda.
For me, the two drinks were the best from what we ordered yesterday.
Ira just ordered mineral water so no need to be snapped. muahahaha 
No one could finish their lunch. It's normal if it's Ira, Fani, Ayu or Sitty. No matter how delicious the food, it's really rare they'll finish it. They have small stomach maybe. Except Ayu I think. But for me, I felt like a looser. The food will be thrown away.  Sorry food. I couldn't save you.
Shameless confession: I always help my friends to finish their foods. haha Then Ayu came. clap clap clap. If I'm not wrong, I suggested Ayu not order the food there so she just ordered mineral water. We chitchat comfortably without paying attention the cafe visitors were changing for two times. I mean, when we entered the cafe, it's full and then deserted because they had finished their lunch. Then full again because another diners came.
We felt shy so asked the bill to the waitress. But but but.. Something delight came to us. Fani treated us for the lunch. clap clap clap.. She had worked. A girl who had salary must treat her friends. You had done the right thing, Fan. haha.  Poor Ayu just order mineral water whereas she was hungry. Our negative thinking: The waitresses were happy for our leaving. muahahaha
Fani and Ayu
We went to the fourth floor to have Ayu's and Ira's Prayer.
Ira and Me
The second lunch since Ayu had not yet.
Went to Hot Plate.
Not so special but much better than the first.
Fani's Beef Teppanyaki.
So Japanese the name was but for me the taste was like Blora Satay. haha
 But it tasted good. I liked the beef.
We three ordered Mushroom Chicken Noodle. 
The portion was too big for us who had eaten 1 hour before.
 If I'm hungry, it would taste so yummy.
But it's really good.
My Sunkist juice.
I love it.
Fani's mixed ice.
Fresh and Sweet!
Ira's rainbow juice.
Melon on the top, orange in the middle and dutch eggplant in the bottom.
Ayu just ordered sweet iced tea.
See the black arrow.
Ira put her tempura onion ring to the ashtray.
She didn't know if I like it.
I think if she didn't want it, she could put it to my plate.
But Ayu cleverly took the tempura from the ashtray and put it to..
my plate -,-"
It's clean she said.
I'm nagging because how clean a cigarette ashtray could be T_T
It's 4.30 pm already.
Must back home because mine is far.
Thanks Mbak Fani for the treat.
Thanks girls for the time.
We had a short quality time though without Sitti.
We talked and laughed so much.
Hopefully we five will have good good good good good job so can treat the others alternately like what Fani had done.
Happy for our life.
I love you..
You MUST love me, too!
Success Success Success !!

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