Selasa, 09 April 2013

KUCA Minus U

KUCA stands for:
K for Kebo
U for Ute
C for Chang
A for Au
Auliya miss it so today I met her in Kindergarten Percontohoan where she had waited for me (she didn't wanna pick me up -,-") and we together bought this meatball. Before I thought the meatball seller had moved to another place because several times I found their stall was not standing at its place like usual. Lucky Auliya today they opened again. This food was a so so, dunno why Auliya loves it that much.
Auliya is a soy sauce monsterrrrr!!

Wondering how she could eat with so many soy sauce in her food. Even the meatball seller looked like hesitated when I asked her to add more soy sauce to Au's meatball. She didn't know who would eat it. Seriously.. It's more like meatball stew than meatball soup. Not to mention she added lime juice and I felt it had been an ewwww.. Au, your taste was far far away from unique and really close to weird -,-" Okay.. It's called the difference of taste. hehe..

Some snaps while waiting her in the kindergarten:
We brought the meatballs to my home and ate them there. This time I didn't add noodle because though without it, my stomach had felt like finishing eaten a bomb. The portion is crazy so prefer to add a little rice in it. I felt like a loser whereas I thought I'm a good eater. lol

Texted Chang asked her where she was. She replied she was in a motorbike workshop because there was something wrong with her motorbike. I told her to come to my home because Au was here but she instead telling that she only brought 100.000.. So asked her whether I wanted to ask her money or what -,-"
She then explained she was afraid that her money was not enough to pay her motorbike and asked Au to pick her up because of her worry. But we didn't know where the workshop was and she alone couldn't explain where exactly it was. Ridiculous we must stray in this very small town. haha
If so, Chang told us not to pick her up. Then she replied she had finished with her motorbike and her money was enough. But she didn't wanna join us because she was hunger. But I told her that we had big foody here without telling the foody session was over. haha. Sorry Chang.. Make you as mischief target so often but seriously we LOVE you no matter what!
Arrived to my home she insisted where the food! haha.. Of course it had been in our stomach, darling. She ended by having lunch with my mom's sardines and rice.. Sorry, Chang!
She with her teaching outfit!
Yutri didn't join us because she was preparing her going to Kerinci for an interview..
Support for Yutri!!
Support for Yutri!!
Support for Yutri!!
It's already afternoon and they should go home.. Love this day so much.. So many talks and laughs..

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