Ahhh.. Just flashback when I was a senior high school girl, this movie was so booming. Every teenagers felt so proud when they could tell their friends that the movie had been listed into their 'movie lists'. I never watch it in the movie, though. It's far in Medan. But it's okay.. One year later it was aired on TV . And it's aired many times. Over and over again. Till I've finished watching it 1 hour ago on one of our private TV channels.

It's about a love triangle story among three teens Rachel, Farrel and Luna. Rachel was a boyish girl. She always put casual look on; T-shirt or sweater and army style long pants as its match. She had been best friend with Farrel, a handsome charming boy. Farrel had a good sense of humour though kinda childish; seemed from his hobby of reading comics. Since kids, they had played together even they two had their private basketball court with a tree house nearby. One day, Rachel carve something secretly on the tree where their tree house attached on which she wouldn't ever allow Farrel to see it. Just wait till everything could be revealed thoroughly.

One day, when Farrell was about to buy his favorite comic books, Shinchan, the bookstore owner offered him a book that he said it was funny, entitled Heart. Farrell initially refused, but when he saw a glimpse of the author of the comic was a beautiful girl, he immediately bought the comic book and then pursuit the author and became acquainted with her. The author named Luna. Luna was a very beautiful and feminine girl. With a black long hair and a pair of beautiful earrings adorned her face. Farrell did not forget to ask for an autograph, phone number and home address.

At that moment, Farrell realized that he had fallen in love at first sight with Luna and then told his best best friend, Rachel. Farrell asked Rachel to help him to make Luna to be his girlfriend. Initially it was fine for Rachel , but Rachel began to feel a feeling she had never feel before. Jealousy. Rachel was jealous of the closeness between Farrel and Luna, then began to change her appearance little by little, As a starter, she started wearing earrings. It was not only that, she also lied to Farrell by saying that she already had a boyfriend, the type of her dream.

Soon, Farrell expressed his love for Luna by bringing something in a big heart shaped to confess his feeling to her. But it had been a deal between him and Rachel. If Luna kept the heart, then that means Luna received his love, but if Luna broke it, it meant she refused Farrel. And if Farrell was rejected by Luna, Rachel was allowed to hit Farrel to death with her car. There was something made Luna hesitated to accept Farrel's confession. Luna then gave a heartbreaking to Farrel. In a flash Rachel chased Farrell , trying to hit him, but Farrell had escaped .

Farrell came out on the lake with Luna. Luna began to tell him the reason why she refused Farrel. Luna was fighting with Cirrhosis,a disease hardening of the liver. For Luna, she realized that her life would not be much longer, that's what made ​​her hesitate to accept Farrel's love, when in fact Luna also loved him. Farrell then entertained her, trying to convince Luna that his love for her was sincere, till forever. Farrell instead of giving up but even more motivated to get love of Luna.

Rachel began to notice her difference with Luna, Luna was feminine and love wearing skirts and dresses , while she was always wearing casual clothes. She thought that the differences which make Farrel interested in Luna. Farrell then began to realize and see the changes when Rachel wore a dress that should be given to Luna and dressed up like a woman should be, Farrel just laugh at her. Rachel then leave him raced toward their tree house, where they usually playing basketball together. Rachel got greater jealousy when she learnt that Farrel had prepared a ring for Luna . That's when Rachel began to show his tears to Farrel. Adding to the story that she had just lost the person she loved because he went away with another girl . Farrel calmed her down telling that they would still be best friends forever .

On another day, Farrell was with Luna in a park. Rachel saw them from a far and found Farrel kissing Luna, destroying her heart completely and make her run aimlessly. Which Rachel did not know was, that when kissing, Luna spewed blood from her mouth, and had to be hospitalized immediately. Rachel ran aimlessly around the mountain slopes and falling towards the ravine. She also sent to the same hospital as Luna. Rachel had to find the bitter truth that her legs had to be amputated because it could endanger her life.

Everyday Farrel came to see Luna and Rachel at hospital, but Rachel realized that he only gave her some visit occasionally and more often visited Luna. Rachel became increasingly angry at Farrell, but Farrell and Rachel realized that Luna was seriously ill and really need a heart donor in order to survive. Luna's father, Adam and Farrel were trying to find a donor but not manage to get it. While Luna's time was getting thinner and Luna was approaching death.

Turned out Rachel donated her heart to Luna, not to save her live whom she hated for stealing her Farrell, but she hoped she could continue to live in Luna's body to keep be able to think about and love Farrell to death. Rachel also left a message for Farrell to see their tree house, the place where young Rachel ever carved something in the beginning of the film.

Farrell, who had been married to Luna and has a son, go to where they used to play basketball and climb up the tree. Therein Farrell realized that Rachel ever carved "Rachel and Farrel" in a heart shaped frame, and he also realized how Rachel loved him since they were kids.

Yeayyy.. Another pretty hidden object game. Everything in this game is attractive. The characters are beautiful, handsome and cool. The sceneries presented are served with perfectly hand-drawn graphic and the lovely musics as the background. The characters are really act. They show real gestures, movements and conversations. It's like a movie. I Love it ~ ~!!


We'll play as a detective who had been called to Paris by a bride-to-be names Veronica. Just days before their wedding, the ancient werewolf Mephistus has appeared in town seeking revenge on Veronica and her fiancé. You are asked to help the couple as Mephistus bites Veronica's fiancé and it has changed him to be a werewolf attacking his own darling.

Explore Paris to find man who knows what gun can be used to kill Mephistus and secret ingredients to create concoctions which will help Veronica's fiancé back to his true nature.

Woohoo. Finally I can steal the time away to finish this game. Oh my~~ This game is so creepy. Without needing to give us horrific graphic- the graphic is so poor in my sight, the storyline itself had been success to scare me. Too many paths to go through.

In Phantasmat we will play as ourselves. There's no clear character in solid appearance like most hidden object games I ever played. We'll give a role just the way we position ourselves in that game, as the main role. Oh, without conversation also. The conversation is the one-way one.

You are on your holiday. Feeling your car are getting to stray, you decide to consult with your map. But an accident happens which will lead you something terrible. A nightmare. Your car crashed and the rainy night make everything to be worst. Nobody will take any risk to approach a broken car under the heavy rain. Water is one of the best materials of electric discharges.

So you decide to enter the forest. You see an old shack and suddenly a girl come from nowhere in the dark. You tell your car is broken and you need if she can help you. She offers you to use a phone in a hotel nearby. But, besides giving you an advise, she also warn you to leave the hotel as soon as you finish with your stuff.

You walk to the hotel panorama and step into its gate. The hotel has a quite unique name. Drowned Hotel. You are welcomed by its owner. An old man. He says it's kinda surprising to see stranger visit their hotel. You utter that you need to use the hotel's phone to ask help. He allows. But a blackout comes. While the phone can't be used without the electricity. You need to fix the generator.


Your feet lead you to enter the basement through its corridor which ends in the generator room. Before you can finish your steps to your aim, the previous girl scolds you why you are still in the hotel. She has warned you to go away as soon as you finish your call. Knowing what really happen, she points her finger out to where you have to go to fix the generator. The generator is fixed and the hotel lobby is filled with lights. It means you can use the phone.

You dial the numbers and someone speaks in its end. Out of your expectation, he tells that your location is out of detection. Nolens volens, you have to rent one of the hotel's room to wait for morning to come. Your room is next to an old lady's room. She is funny, friendly and creepy at once. She tells you about what a glamorous town the hotel is located at used to be. But everything turned 180 degree because something she still conceals.

The girl actually is working in the hotel. She waits to have some time to speak with you. To tell you something you need- you have to, know. She tells that there's something terrible with the hotel, its owner, the old lady and town nearby it. She asks you to find a way to escape from there. She begs. You agree and because you need to get out of that place, too. A long search you will go through. To a cliff in the right side of the hotel which will show you a cemetery panorama and your search takes you to a diving suit. You dive to the drowned town then. Finally you find the answer. The truth that nobody except you is human.

This girl is naive. She has a romantic heart. Came to the town just to work. Not even to settle in there. Her fault for falling in love with a bastard married man. She believed when he told her that he would leave his family to marry her. But suddenly the bad news spread. The dam would collapse and people had to relocate. The girl thought the relocation was the best chance to sneak into the church to marry secretly. Wearing the bride's gown, she ran to the church with a bouquet in her hand. But her man never come. He precisely run with his family out of the town. And the girl died of drowning in her waiting.

This old man is the owner of The Drowned Hotel. His past was dark. He was a gangster member with so many success bank robberies. Found his partners got caught by police, he realised sooner or later he would get caught too. So he decided to run into a small town in nowhere to settle and build a brand new life. He tried his best to hide his true nature to give a good impression toward people there. Then he stayed in a hotel, showed the best attitude so people accept him easily. But habits which had been built for years couldn't be eliminated in months. He desired to own the hotel. Then the news about the dam which would collapse came to his ears. He worried his money would be stolen if he left the hotel. Thinking the hotel was located safely on a hill, he buried his money before running. But unexpectedly the dam collapse faster than expected. The man died of drowning with his money.

This old lady had the most sinister past among them. She was just a common young lady. With her beauty, she seduced the innocent Mayor then she became his wife. She enter the high class community and everybody knew who she was. The Mayor's wife. But she was not satisfied for always being her husband's shadow. She then killed her husband by poisoning his drink. She was sorry. Really, really big sorry in her heart. Then she rent a room in a hotel to move into because the house she and her husband ever lived just reminded her about her husband and what she had done to him. The dam was collapsed when she was in her husband's cemetery begged for forgiveness.

Accompanied Chang visited her boyfriend's sister who was hospitalized in Haji Hospital in Medan yesterday. I asked her to bring me to Cemara Asri as so many friends of mine who had indirectly showed off their artsy photos taken in a China-like place. Lol.  

Cemara Asri is a high class housing and villa area where Chinese are the majority. There is a Buddhist Monastery at the end of the housing which people apart from the Chinese take that place as a sightseeing and photographed location.

In the front terrace of the monastery, there are some altars and one big statue where the Buddhist take place to have their prays. So it's really impolite I think where people were very casually took photos like there's nothing happened around them. It's a good option for me to rotate our way in order to avoid stepping in the praying area.

Hello, I'm broke actually. This week is so hectic but I love it. It signs me alive. At least, still. I, my mom and sister have a new addiction currently. An Indian drama entitles Mahabharata. It relates to that country's majority religion and mythology but hey, we enjoy the storyline without affecting our own religion. You have to know this, our family time is started on 7pm. It's the time we have dinner and another family's quality time. And since this last 3 weeks, 7pm is the starter to be ready to watch our newly favorite Indian drama: Mahabharata. 

But sadly, we wait 2 hours to get 9pm to watch that drama which only airs for only 15 minutes. Lemme repeat that, 15 minutes.  Compare to our local dramas which was popular by its name Sinetron, which have airing time for more than 2 hours for each episode, 15 minutes is like the movie has ended before you're ready with popcorn in your hand. It's without commercial break, though. And I found that Mahabharata is still airing in its country of origin so, I assume this really short duration is due to the high price the TV station has to pay to buy the broadcasting right.

I won't be able to make its summary. It's on-going and the episodes are really in a big number. Can you let me use this excuse to get the short summary from Wikipedia The Highness, please


In short, the Mahabharata tells the story of the five Pandavas conflict with their cousins, the one hundred Kauravas, the state government land rights disputes Astina. The climax is Bhāratayuddha war in the battle field of Kurukshetra and lasted for eighteen days.

King Santanu was a famous king of the Kuru lineage, derived from Hastinapura. He was married to Goddess Ganga who is doomed to fall into the world, but the goddess Ganga left him for violating their marriage vows. The relationship with the Goddess Ganga and the King had led to the child, named Dewabrata or Bhishma. After being left for the goddess Ganga, King Santanu eventually became a widower.

A few years later, King Santanu resumes family life by marrying the goddess Satyawati, daughter of a fisherman. From the relationship, the King gets sons: Chitrāngada and Wicitrawirya. Chitrāngada died at a young age in a battle, and then he was replaced by his brother Wicitrawirya. Wicitrawirya also died at a young age and has not had time to have children. The assistance of Rishi Vyasa, the two wives of Wicitrawirya, Ambika and Ambalika, each gave birth to a son, names Pandu (from Ambalika) and Dhritarashtra (from Ambika).

Dhritarashtra was born blind, the throne of Hastinapur submitted to Pandu, his brother. Pandu married Kunti. Pandu then married for the second time with Madrim, but due to a mistake at the time of Pandu archery deer that are in love, then the deer expend (Supata = Curse) that Pandu will not feel anymore marital relationship, and if it does, then Pandu will experience doom. The deer then die by turning into the original form of a clergyman.

Then due to adverse events like that, Pandu then took his two wives to beg the Almighty Hyang to be given childs. Then Batara Dharma sends to fertilize Kunti thus was born the first child Yudhisthira. Guru then sent Batara Indra to fertilize Kunti thus Harjuna born. Batara Bayu was sent also to fertilize Kunti thus born Bhima, and the latter, Batara Aswin shipped to fertilize Madrim, and Nakula and Sahadev were born.

Theive sons of Pandu, known as the Pandavas. Blind Dhritarashtra married Gandhari, and had a hundred sons and a daughter known as Kauravas. Pandu and Dhritarashtra had a younger brother named Vidura. Vidura had a son named Sanjaya, who has the inner eye to be able to see the past, present, and future.

Family of Dhritarashtra, Pandu, and Vidura who will build the story of Mahabharata.

PS: Please tell me kindly if there's some mistaken in this translation..

Yeaayy.. I got another Liebster Award from this sweet Malaysian girl, Jassarah. Thanks for the tag, dear :heart:. I'm sure most of you have been familiar with this chained tagging game, right? If you haven't, I'll repeat the explanation.

The meaning: Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.Isn't that sweet? Blogging is about building a community and it's a great way to connect with other bloggers and help spread the word about their blogs

Here we go with my answers:

What you love?
'What'?? Not 'who', right?? I love eating, playing the creepy hidden object games and hanging out with my best girlfriends where we can be just the way we are. Nobody needs pretending.

What is your hobby?
Reading novels, storybook, playing hidden object games, and surely blogging!

If you've got a daughter, what are you going to named her?
Aww.. So hard to answer. I won't give my daughter a spontaneous name. I will think hard to choose the best name for her. The name which will reflect my hopes and prayers as her parent

Do you prefer a girl or boy?
Both of them, of course. It will be perfect to have ladies and guys friends, sons and daughters. But, if it is someone to get married with, a Man lah

What do you think my blog look?
It's so simple yet so neat. If you allow me to tell you some opinions, I think it will be not that bad to add some widgets in your sidebar. But I agree if you will say clean blog is the best

Do you love tea?
I like tea but it doesn't reach the level of 'love'. I don't drink it regularly. Just brew a cup of tea when my stomach needs something warm and sweet

What is your favourite food?
Meatball soup, plueeseeee.. Indonesia's original fried rice, satay, and one food which has been my hometown, Medan's specialty, Mie Rebus Medan, and another kind of food from Aceh calls Mie Aceh. (Mie = noodle).

What you doing when you bored?
I'm sorry if I have to say this again. Playing hidden object games . What can I do? I have so many hidden object games collection which I downloaded freely. I'll download another new games before I finish one game

Do you love blogging?
Do you need to ask?

Do you love create a newlook of your blog?
Of course!! I used to apply cute theme to my blog. But I decided it's the time to get out of my comfort zone. Then I apply this my current theme which honestly I disliked before. But this theme is precisely the most complimented theme I ever got so I won't change it again. It wastes my time, seriously

List 5 blog link that you love
Here my own set of questions:
  1. Please tell me 10 facts about yourself.
  2. What the reason which make you start to blog?
  3. What do you usually write in your blog?
  4. Do you have any blogger inspire you? What is it?
  5. Ever you fallen in love with bloggers in opposite sex?
  6. We come from so many different countries with so many different languages, what language do you prefer to use as your main language in your blog and why?
  7. Do you have any talents?
  8. If you can be a writer, what story you will tell about?
  9. For Android, Samsung or Sony? Why
  10. J-Drama or K-Drama? Or do you have any kind of dramas you favor?
  11. What item do you treasure the most?
    And I tag you, you and you. Yes, you!! If you read this post, you are tagged! Please tell me in my cbox if you don't mind to do so. And I'm sorry because I can't tag any blogger friends personally because first, I had tagged them last week and second, most of my blogger friends are on hiatus
