Selasa, 08 Januari 2013

The Clockwork Man: The Hidden World

I had finished the other adventure hidden object game, The Clockwork Man: The Hidden World. So I will make a review for the story line like what I did with Campfire Legend: The Hookman and The Babysitter.
A 20 years old girl, Miranda Calomy wants to make her private investigation for her parents’ death who left her to nowhere when she was 12 years old. Her father was an engineer.
The first man she wished would give her an information was Professor Lyell, who understood about the field. Miranda showed him a cylinder she found in her father’s office but Professor Lyell could not give what Miranda need so she decided to go to Ireland with Sprocket. Ireland was the place her parents seen for the last time.
In Ireland, Miranda should help Martha, an old lady whose house got problem by squirrel which forced her out from her own home, so she would give Miranda clues for her parents’ last appearance.
 Finish with the squirrel, Miranda showed her parents’ photo and explained they visited Ireland a decade ago. Martha remembered she ever seen them and told they used to go to and fro at yonder old mines but Martha didn’t want to go there with Miranda because she said that the mines was cursed. Martha continued she ever took a stone from the mines and the bad lucks never stop to come to her life till she threw it to the bridge.
Meanwhile,  because of Miranda’s kindness, Martha promised to tell her about the mines but she should help her again to take her charm back from an old man, Patrick, who stole it from her. Martha need her charm to protect her from the bad luck. When Miranda tried to get the charm back from Patrick, she got information that there were some men like from some university visited the mines.
Actually, Martha and Patrick were husband and wife. But because theye are Chatolics, there was no divorce in their religion life dictionary..
Martha kept her promise but she just showed Miranda the way to the mines not to explore it together. So Miranda should enter it just two with Sprocket. 
They found a subway but suddenly some miners would catch them. They run in a rush to it and then go to the deepest part of the mine. Then they found another transportation and used it to fly to the other part of the mine. 
But the volcano was exploded and they should save their life. In their run, they was trapped by some net by some people. And the man beside the whole things was.. Professor Lyell and he hold some cylinders same with the cylinder Miranda showed to him.
Professor Lyell, her friend, Charles, and their people, the miners, standing in front of a huge gate and talked about.. Immortality and everlasting happiness. With the five cylinders in his hand, Professor Lyell could open the gate. 
While the men focused to the gate which started to open, Miranda used the moment to escape with Sprocket. They walked to the deeper part of the mine and found Miranda’s parents’ things in there. She found a letter. The fact was Miranda’s parents were in a team with Charles to explore the cave a decade ago but he betrayed them. He went out of the cave alone while Miranda’s parents were trapped there. 
Miranda then saw a hole with nine shallow sockets surrounding six large empty holes which need some stone and cylinders to open it. Exploring the cave with Sprocket, they could find the needs for the wall. Suddenly they tumbled down a chute and they were inside a small tunnel and saw some light further down. They then went to the light.

They had entered the Hidden World! What a breathtakingly strange land! Fields of grass were followed by the most arid of desserts and then frozen glaciers appear! All these, inside a volcano! In the middle, stands a 50-ft Easter Island Statue! From four cardinal points long black pipes extended, separating the different areas.
Till they found a man Miranda knew very well.. Her father. Beatrice, Miranda’s mother was curious why Miranda grown so fast. But Miranda said that she was almost twenty-one. So the time in the Hidden World was slowly passed or almost not at all and the huge statue in the middle of the valley was responsible for keeping everything on order inside the volcanic crater. 
The Chief was with the miners. They had to incapacitate the guard and find a way to the statue so the parents went ahead and scout the area and Miranda and Nayla had another plan; made the bad men sleep with blowguns with sleeping darts; using clay pellets, 2 bamboos in half, strange flower and water which looked for in the four areas, desert, tundra, woodland and rainforest.
Actually Professors Lyell was not as bad as in the front of opening huge gate. He refused to go further because their action had destroyed a civilization and his rejection made Ransom, the men leader, angry and gave him a punch. 
Beatrice told Miranda to find another way for them to get inside the machine by examining the hexagonal structures around the valley one by one to communicate with the Statue.
The greedy Ransom continued his action by putting the  last two cylinder in the Statue and it activated  the tremors. They were stranded in front of the Machine’s huge torso and the air got hotter by the minute. 

Miranda solved a puzzle connected to the four area and it gave her a way to climb the Machine, found the Chief and helped him. He explained Miranda that he wanted her parents to fix the Machine, found out why it had been changing their world for the last one hundred and fifty years. He thought because there are scientist so they could help him but in the end, they were useless.
The Chief explained that in Miranda’s years, was counted one thousand in the Hidden World. Each day that ended there, two weeks pass outside. And it’s all because of the Machine. So Ransom wanted the immortality. He then pushed Miranda to against Ransom because some man like him could make the world horrible place. Miranda came to Ransom and he indeed asked her to place her hand in the last hexagonal of the machine and a huge fire ball was activated. 
But what happened was opposite from Ransom’s wish. He got older and older and died because he got closer to the tremor.
The Calomy Family had helped the people and the kidnapped ones were back. In their farewell, Chief told: 
“The birth of fresh ideas and knowledge, that is immortality. It is what our ancestors valued most.. But I’m rambling on. You should get going”
And then the family out from the place the by the air plane.
“Life reveals itself during those most precious of moments, when the ones we hold dear stand beside us. It is then that we understand our purpose on this earth. Not only simply exist, but to live” 

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