Kamis, 31 Januari 2013

Paddy Harvesting

After not less than 3 months growing, the paddy is ready to be harvested. So my father called 20 men paddy harvesters to help us to do that and with that many helpers did for not so wide paddy field, it need less than 1 hour to finish it maybe. And now, no need for me to sit in the paddy field edge to chase away the birds for 1 or 2 hours in the morning LOL. The paddy seeds would be dried under the sun till they are really dry and then they would be ground to get the white rice and ready to cook. Yeaay..
Maybe it will be the last time for us to plant paddy in that field because it was not our own land. The land owner trusted his field to my parents to be planted and didn’t allow anybody to do it. We had used the land for more or less 10 years. I remembered when I was in the primary school, the land was covered by a bush and my mom cleaned it up with her own hand. My mom is so strong and no less powerfull compared with construction worker LOL. She even made the big bench to sit by herself. My parents planted paddy interspersed with corn because it was not good for the land if it was planted with one kind plant (the kind of short time harvesting) continuously. The land owner ever told my parents that he wanted to use it to plant something too but after one period of plantation, he ‘gave back’ the land to my parents because he was not painstaking kept his field; no profit but loss instead. And now he wants to sell the land.. So yeah, thank you, Sir.. 

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