Rabu, 09 Januari 2013

Do Everything Alone

Today I did everyone duty at home alone.. image
My Mom and Sister had went to finish their business this morning and they were dropped by my Brother. While my Dad had went to our field in Kutarih in this early morning.
So, because everyone had gone in the morning, it means they had no time to finish their duty at home before going out, except my Mom who should finish our meal for my Dad's lunch. And it means again, I'm the only one who must finish every morning mess in this home image
Actually it was not a big deal for me. It's not a rare thing. But, everything got worst because my Parents had planted paddy and the seeds started out. And the sweet seeds (my Mom said why the birds love the young paddy so much, because they are sweet. They had not changed to be solid, still liquid) made the birds tempted to eat them.
I should wash clothes, dishes, clean the house interspersed with checking the paddy.
Yes. I should chase the birds away from my paddy.

My Dad had plugged several woody stems in some parts of the field, tied a former milk can fill with pebbles on its tip for each woody stem, and then make a long rob which will connect the whole woody stems to a certain place in the field edge. The traditional tools used by pulling the rob and then the pebbles in the milk can will be noisy and the birds would fly away.
If you are Indonesian, you should know it, right?

 The birds today were not afraid to scarecrow anymore so my Parents did not use it again.
When I was hanging the clothes, I felt something wrong with my stomach..
I forgot to have a breakfast because of the mess. 'Morning' is the birds' favourite time to eat paddy so I should often checked it.

You are so cute.. But, can you just find another food to eat, please??
 I don't know what kind of bird it is. I just asked Uncle Google about the bird which love paddy seed and the Uncle just showed this kind of bird.

Do you also want to chase away the birds, Tee? image

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