Jumat, 18 Desember 2015

Rumah Blepots

Actual date was on October 26, 2015

It's used to be known as Rumah Burger which I ever made a post about it when I was treated by my sister. This time I revisited this homey eatery which I call a gem in the rabbit hole. Went there with Tari, Evin and Kak Noni with no kidding effort. The big me and Tari included the so petite Evin should deal with the unhappy moment to reach the burger place. The jam was not nice seriously. Tari gave the wrong address so we had to give extra money if we didn't want to continue by walking to the opposite way from the place we had reached. It's worth it for the happy tummy in the end actually.

Evin is the best food in crime I ever had. We always share the food we ordered so we can try another menu. But to be honest it ends with the money saving programme hahahaha.. This time we ordered this Nduts Blepots Burger. The beef patty is so thick and so good for sure. Vegetables are fresh but the cabbage was such a disappointment for me. I wished it was lettuce. And the meat sauce is the main star. Add tomato sauce and it would be tasted even better.

 Kak Noni's order which was successfully executed by herself.. alone.. 
Tari's order..

We ordered lemon squash for drinks but it was a disappointment. Tasting more like sprite.

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