Kamis, 12 September 2013

Yellow Card

Went to the employment service in Rampah last Sunday with Chang to make the yellow card. Yes, we are the job seekers; especially me. The yellow card often be used as one of the requirements when applying some jobs. It didn't take long to finish it but we even couldn't submit our files as we didn't know the copy of our certificate degree was a must 

Luckily it's not a waste because we continued to Sulaiman Hospital to take the certificate of able-bodied and another luckiness, there was Au who took care everything for us. We just sit down waiting for her to finish what we needed . Chang suggested we went back home to take the certificate and came again to the employment service in order to finish the whole stuffs in one day but hey, that's impossible 

There was a traditional cuisines stall across the hospital which sells something Chang missed for so long to eat. The stall was too far to reach if the reason was only for this. Lontong Pecel. Lontong means rice cake while pecel is Javanese typical culinary which is made from boiled vegetables like bean sprouts, long beans, cabbages, water spinach, cassava and papaya leaves, served with peanut flavor having a blend of savory, sour, sweet and spicy. Fried tofu and traditional 'red and white' cracker as the complement

I ordered that noodle soup. What else? It's noodle! It was like no choice if this food listed on the menu. It's kinda sweet but still tasty. I love the strong traditional taste which is rarely found if we ordered it in big city. I'm a suburban!! Back to Rampah on Tuesday and everything was done.

4 komentar

  1. maybe Lontong pecel can be called Rice stick with javanese salad.. ahaha maksa ^^v

    the second pic is a Soto? :D

  2. @Citra Pradipta Hudoyo
    Hey, it's not a bad idea.
    About the second pic, it's called miso here.

