Rabu, 11 September 2013

IMSI's Big Family Gathering

The man in white shirt is the current Rector and in his left side is the current dean. Continue to the left (your right) is Sir Eddy, my supervisor and in his left side is Sir Muhizar Muchtar, the current Head of Department.

Attended IMSI's Big Family Gathering last Saturday before went to Kampung. It's a meet and greet held for the alumni of English department in University of North Sumatera who are members of Ikatan Mahasiswa Sastra Inggris (Association of English Literature Students). As far as I know, the oldest year is Mam Redita. She is the second generation; the lecturers' lecturer. Lol. But I saw an old man whom I'm sure he must be older than Mam Redita. He is the first generation maybe. 

Not so many who attended the event but there were some were willing to come all the way from out of town and even abroad. The Rector was present and also the Dean. Of course the Dean should be present. He was from this department and most of the lecturers in this department are them who used to be the students here.

The son of late Sir Perdamean came to replace his daddy and to greet his dad's friends. "Hai, my father's friends", he said. He's only a primary school boy. His daddy was one of the best lecturers we ever had. He taught with his heart. He supported us to learn, not forced to. Dance With My Father by Luther Vandross and Home by Michael Buble reminded me of him the most. It's really made an impression on my memory how he retold his struggles to achieve his current position at that time.

Me, Fani, Tami and Sari were the youngest alumni maybe. We were too clumsy to join the seniors. Yes, only for that day we were not lecturers and students but seniors and juniors. But never hope we would be brave enough to call them Kakak and Abang. Lol. Got a mug with 'Spirit of Togetherness' printed on it.

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