My 9th birthday gown

I ever been a little doctor but sadly I couldn't find where my little doctor uniform was :cry:

Granny's blouse

So we can see people nowadays are using 60's or 70's style back :biggrin:

Mommy's Wedding Kebaya

A kebaya is a traditional blouse-dress combination that originates from Indonesia and is worn by women in Indonesia,Malaysia, Brunei, Burma, Singapore, southern Thailand, Cambodia and the southern part of the Philippines. It is sometimes made from sheer material such as silk, thin cotton or semi-transparent nylon or polyester, adorned with brocade or floral pattern embroidery. A kebaya is usually worn with a sarong or batik kain panjang, or other traditional woven garment such as ikat, songket with a colorful motif.--Source.

Mommy's hand-made handbag

Our ashoka flowers are crazily blooming

Back when I was a little girl, I used to pick this flower to suck the nectar. It's so sweet. But today I try to do the same thing again, I feel nothing. It's maybe because the bigger we grow up to be, the higher tolerance we have for sweetness :|
I must admit I'm a Korean Drama freak. But honestly no for K-Pop. I even knew SNSD from the Genie Parody by the casts of He's Beautiful. And never mock me if you read the next fact. When I saw the Super Junior's Sorry Sorry MV (so long after the MV first revealed), the expression came out of my mouth was: "Eh, that's what Go Mi Nam and Manager Ma did when they imagine if Hwang Tae Kyung finds that Go Mi Nam actually is a girl". Lol.

But graduated from college slowly but sure made me graduated from 'new Korean Drama huntings'. As you know, pirated DVD stalls had been so mushroomed in campus area. Lol. And when I watched A Gentleman's Dignity aired in one of private TV stations, I was like hey, where I have been? Why I watch this 2012 drama... now?? 

If you people are already sick about the cray cray second male syndrome, something must exist in most of Korean Drama: a man crazily loves a woman and gives his world to her but let her go with other man she loves in the end *throw banana skin!!*, A Gentleman's Dignity will be a refresh. Like Secret Garden. Inevitable you'll see Kim Joo Won's aura when you see the main male character in A Gentleman's Dignity. Because what? They came from the same script writer. haha.

You know this drama better than me so I write this review just for myself. And I don't own any picture in this post: I picked them randomly from Google image search engine.

The male characters
Left to the right: Lee Jung Rok (cafe and bar owner), Im Tae San and Kim Do Jin (architects) and Choi Yoon (a lawyer)

The female characters
Left to right in the bottom row: Seo Yi Soo (a teacher), Hong Se Ra (a golfer), Park Min Suk (a billionaire) and Im Meahri (dropped out of college)

The four men had been best friends since in High School till they had been in middle-aged. Jung Rok married to an older woman yet a billionaire Park Min Suk. They never have a single piece of happy marriage life because of Jung Rok's womanizing. He couldn't eliminate his bad habits but didn't wanna lose his wife. Not because of her wealth but he knew only her who could accept a man like him.

Im Meahri and Im Tae San were siblings. Kim Yi Soo secretly liked Tae San but he liked her best friend, Hong Se Ra. Im Meahri herself liked Choi Yoon, 17 years older than her. Yoon was a widower whose wife died due to some illness. Kim Do Jin the expert level playboy, must stop hurting girls to get Yi Soo's heart.

I love how the story flows. I love their jokes. And I love them all. Min Suk had spies to report her what her husband did and whom he met everyday. She even followed him and Jung Rok caught having affairs too often. Min Suk also too often sued her husband for divorced but his three best friends always find a way to save Jung Rok. Not because that was what friends are for, but Min Suk was the landlady of where their business buildings were standing on. Lol.

Hong Se Ra was a high-esteem golfer. More than 10 times break up with Tae San because she always refused Tae San's proposal to get married. While Kim Do Jin and Yi Soo, just like the Korean drama's typical: the woman finally crushed by the man's efforts to get her heart. And Im Meahri and Yoon was my favorite couple after all. Meahri didn't pursue an oppa's love but an ahjussi's! Yoon constantly refused her but Meahri never give up. This couple showed that in love, age was only a number matter.

It's not a drama if without conflicts.
  • Min Suk had been tired with their marriage life and really wanna be separated from her husband as she loved him too much. She was tired of constantly suspecting him. 
  • Came a 19 years old boy who actually was Do Jin's son from his first love. 
  • Tae San got mad by Meahri's undied love to Yoon. Their significant age difference was the main reason. As a friend, he felt sorry for Yoon's past; be a widower because of his wife's death, but as a brother, he couldn't accept Yoon's condition to be Meahri's future husband. So he sent Meahri to the States.
  • Se Ra decided to end their relationship if Tae San kept telling about marriage.
Don't worry.. it's a happy ending...
  • With his silly whim, Jung Rok managed to win Min Suk's heart and their divorce never happened. It's about their property settlement. Min Suk said that she didn't wanna waste time to fight over money in the court, so Jung Rok could get 1/3 from total of their properties. Jung Rok then measured every items in their house and gave sign on every one-third of their size. He asked if Min Suk wanted the hot or cool water from the water dispenser, if she sit in the sofa with her left or right butt. Jung Rok said that there was no kidding and pull out his chainsaw. Lol.
  • Do Jin wanted to be responsible by accepting his son's coming to Korea from Japan. He didn't wanna be so greedy by keeping Yi Soo by his side, so he broke up their relationship. But Yi Soo couldn't let her love just ruined and tried to accept Do Jin just the way he was. 
  • Yoon prevented Meahri's departure and admitted he loved her, too. He said sorry for letting her tears dropped so often and let her faced the forbidden love alone. Tae San gave up to Yoon's sincerity and told the couple to get married.
  • Tae San knew how to get Se Ra's heart back: just opened his arms widely so Se Ra could be into them. Tae San calmed Se Ra down that he would wait for her readiness to step into a marriage life. And he wouldn't need to wait a long time since Se Ra was pregnant! Hahhhh...
Went to the employment service in Rampah last Sunday with Chang to make the yellow card. Yes, we are the job seekers; especially me. The yellow card often be used as one of the requirements when applying some jobs. It didn't take long to finish it but we even couldn't submit our files as we didn't know the copy of our certificate degree was a must 

Luckily it's not a waste because we continued to Sulaiman Hospital to take the certificate of able-bodied and another luckiness, there was Au who took care everything for us. We just sit down waiting for her to finish what we needed . Chang suggested we went back home to take the certificate and came again to the employment service in order to finish the whole stuffs in one day but hey, that's impossible 

There was a traditional cuisines stall across the hospital which sells something Chang missed for so long to eat. The stall was too far to reach if the reason was only for this. Lontong Pecel. Lontong means rice cake while pecel is Javanese typical culinary which is made from boiled vegetables like bean sprouts, long beans, cabbages, water spinach, cassava and papaya leaves, served with peanut flavor having a blend of savory, sour, sweet and spicy. Fried tofu and traditional 'red and white' cracker as the complement

I ordered that noodle soup. What else? It's noodle! It was like no choice if this food listed on the menu. It's kinda sweet but still tasty. I love the strong traditional taste which is rarely found if we ordered it in big city. I'm a suburban!! Back to Rampah on Tuesday and everything was done.
The man in white shirt is the current Rector and in his left side is the current dean. Continue to the left (your right) is Sir Eddy, my supervisor and in his left side is Sir Muhizar Muchtar, the current Head of Department.

Attended IMSI's Big Family Gathering last Saturday before went to Kampung. It's a meet and greet held for the alumni of English department in University of North Sumatera who are members of Ikatan Mahasiswa Sastra Inggris (Association of English Literature Students). As far as I know, the oldest year is Mam Redita. She is the second generation; the lecturers' lecturer. Lol. But I saw an old man whom I'm sure he must be older than Mam Redita. He is the first generation maybe. 

Not so many who attended the event but there were some were willing to come all the way from out of town and even abroad. The Rector was present and also the Dean. Of course the Dean should be present. He was from this department and most of the lecturers in this department are them who used to be the students here.

The son of late Sir Perdamean came to replace his daddy and to greet his dad's friends. "Hai, my father's friends", he said. He's only a primary school boy. His daddy was one of the best lecturers we ever had. He taught with his heart. He supported us to learn, not forced to. Dance With My Father by Luther Vandross and Home by Michael Buble reminded me of him the most. It's really made an impression on my memory how he retold his struggles to achieve his current position at that time.

Me, Fani, Tami and Sari were the youngest alumni maybe. We were too clumsy to join the seniors. Yes, only for that day we were not lecturers and students but seniors and juniors. But never hope we would be brave enough to call them Kakak and Abang. Lol. Got a mug with 'Spirit of Togetherness' printed on it.
bloggie.. Miss someone owns you? I miss you too as you provide me 'edit' option so I can remedy the wrong words chosen or even erase them while my mouth doesn't have. I've prepared myself to face the entrance exams for civil servants and spent my time to hunt informations as many as possible and... *too shy to say* I study. teehee. I found several chances but don't wanna talk too much because there are a huge number of people whom I'm sure have much much much better preparation

Went to Kampung last Saturday as surprise for Tigan, Mami and cousins. The sorrow was still very pronounced in that house and very happy for our coming could slightly cheer them up. There were still tears on the sidelines of talks about Mama Tiar but life must go on

Even they ignored the broken TV but smart sister brought infocus so we like flying back to the traditional ages when people got entertainment from layar tancap . Watched World War Z in the night and The Expendables 2 in the next day.

About the two films, for World War Z, I must say I'm sick about the zombie indoctrinated and The Expendables 2, nothing special besides the legendary actors (in action movie) gathered in one screen.

If you wanna see Sylvester Stallone as the protagonist with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bruce Willis as his partners, not to mention Jean-Claude Van Damme as the antagonist, this movie is the best choice. But I love its fresh smart jokes.

We went home on Sunday though they asked us to postpone it but, there must be another visits. Oh, the foolish me forget to mention the happy news. Lona had been registered as a pharmacy student in one school of health science. Wish you luck, baby. *smooch* And wish Kakak luck juga ya, Dek.

Oscar 'Oz' Diggs was only a travelling circus magician with never-change and cheap tricks, poor, womanizing and cheater. When a strong circus man wanted to kill him as he knew Oz flirted with his wife, Oz escaped with his hot air balloon. But the balloon was sucked by huge tornado and Oz prayed he would be good man if he's allowed to live and the tornado brought him to Land of Oz. There he met there witches: siblings Theodora and Enora, and Glinda. Theodora was beautiful yet naive who then falling in love with him easily. Evanora was actually the wicked witch but spread rumor that it was Glinda and manipulated Theodora's jealousy to make her against Oz.

Every people except Glinda in Emerald City believed Oz was the promised wizard who would come to save the land from the wicked witch who had killed The King of Oz. Glinda knew how did Oz actually but she had only him to be the spirit for her people; the promised wizard had come.

What a sucky movie! I found nothing special from it except the Disney's typical breathtaking imagination sceneries, cute stuffs and unthinkable creatures. Not much different from mostly Black VS White storyline. This film bored me very much but I've started it so I must see the 'The End' appeared 
