Enough! Back to the topic. I miss you, Sissy.. It's something you've waited for so long. As well as us. Now you have your own family, in which now you are not a princess but a queen. You manage everything and parents' allowance and forbidden is not your priority anymore. And the biggest change is you move into your own home. Not in here, our home. Our; I and them exclude you :(

Everything is changing. This home is kinda quiet since you move. Except the fact that now the duty you used to do is being mine; do the laundry. This house is much different now. The atmosphere. The nagging we do in every morning just because you are so lelet while I am Miss On-Time. Argued for something trivial even fought because of that. But 30 minutes later we talk like nothing happen just because both of us focus on the same thing; the news about celebrity who get endorsement from her illness. Lol. And afternoon meatball time. Even when we try to repeat those whole things. Everything will be not the same.

January 9th 2015 was the date. Akad Nikah was held one day before on Friday. And the ceremony was on Saturday. I could not manage time to snap many photos. What else? It's we pay a photographer for. Lols. But there was another crucial reason actually. I was on a multiple function on that day. As the bride's sister and... servant -,-

The ceremony on Saturday was held in fully Simalungun ethnically way which I can't mention in order one by one and explain the philosophy behind it. Can't wait to get the photos so I can show you all how it will look. So pretty.. People from the both side of couple wore clothes in bright color. Especially our family side. As Bataknese we wear Ulos in any important occasion.

But, how long was I allowed to stand gracefully in my pink gown and heels with 7 cm in height? Not more than 1 hour! And the 6 hours ahead I had to throw my heel and replace it with the comfortable robber flat sandal. Need comfy sandal to walk all day long till the afternoon to check the people we ask to manage the foods for guests in the big kitchen and... everything. My parents are the main casts on that day. Can't be disturbed! And my face is the only one people recognise as the Main Family Member; who has the responsibility to be asked where's the rendang, need money to buy this and that, new guests didn't get enough space to sit and collect the dirty plates. It's wedding ceremony not party. It's held in our home.

Kita orang kampoong tak lah pala sewa-sewa gedung kan. Mahal! Haha.

The guests were so crowded. Happy to know people fulfil our invitation and so hectic and tired at once. No matter what, the life after the ceremony is the most important thing to think about. Enough I think. I have to return to my material for tomorrow before I transform my self into a young lady with 59-years-old-thought who knows nothing but advice something great theoretically but zero practically. Sok-sok bijak, gitu lah.

I think I'm not truly a kind of someone could be categorized as a true friend, for some of my friends. Even they are my closest ones. I don't know why this feeling is being bigger as the time flies. To make me as the righteous, I'll let my self to think that my friends started it from the first place. They show those attitudes so it's not my mistake to give the same as reward.

To make it simpler, one of them consider me as her rival. She blatantly shows this rivalry atmosphere between us last year. It's about a test to get a job. We applied to different companies! But it had the same regulations. Even information which can help your friend, which won't give you any bad effect, could be really hard to be done. Just because you think it's a competition. Who got job the first was the best, was the winner.

And this year it's happened again. Sadly I'm the one who had been announced for being failed. And she didn't. I mean not yet. *look how evil my mind is*. Just thinking she will pass the test (though her success in the test never give a single piece of reason in my failure) made my heart like boiling water in a sealed pan. Just like what my bro ever said jokingly, "which one is sadder? Look at your friend in trouble or she is luckier than you?" Lol..

Am I that bad?

No lah! I still have some friends I care of with the whole heart of mine. I congratulate them sincerely from the deepest of my heart. I support them in every decision they make and advise them with utterances which I produced by being a big wise thinker. Even if I know their success will be greater than I can achieve. Because they are not only friends for me but the Best ones of mine.

Ahh.. I just transfer some amount of money sums up my five months salary to be tortured five months ahead. Lol. Kidding.. I just pay my college cost fee, though = ̄ω ̄=

Tried to do it in bank at campus but there is happening a reshuffled teaching schedule in SMK and it was so hectic. Most of the teacher nagged for the reducing and increasing too much teaching hours. I replace my current class with others but I hope this new schedule will be okay with mine in Medistra.

Look at that FATSSS!!

Talk about Medistra, me and the Gossip Ladies in SMK had a lunch in Bakso Mas Tri (Bro Tri's Meatball; Mas is the Javanese way to call older man). It's really close to Medistra. I regretted because these ladies didn't tell me first, so I could postpone eating my lunch I prepared from home before. Turned out I ate the meatball with full tummy ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ

I ordered meatball soup without noodle. And the rest ladies ordered chicken noodle with meatball and additional FAT as topping O_o. The soup is so light and no worry the thick one due to overload of fats in it. The best drink to accompany us eating fatty meatball actually is lime juicy but we ordered iced sweet tea. There are also quail eggs and chicken gizzard satay to be the additional topping. The taste of everything served in there are so yummy with affordable price as well.

It'd happened for more than often. I'd envied people around me for so long already. I know. I'm insecure. I dunno what a great amount of bless God had and will give to me. A family; though problems (some are so tough to go through) love us so much. A higher education which I had planned since years ago but I still half believe I can achieve it. The opportunities which I had waited for approaching me for almost two years of waiting. More than enough love and laugh from and with the beloved people surround me. But, hey! I'm not a saint who will feel everything is ENOUGH. I'm a common human being. I dunno what Enough is.

Our beloved Prophet said that enough in the case of money is, when you can fulfill your needs from the sun rises till it sets, from the money you earn from that one day. But I want more. I want beautiful.dresses to wear. I tempt nice bags and delicious foods. Am I that sinner? Am I so?

Mommy said to me, I should not look at my self only. Look at the people who are being lower than me. Actually it's about the civil servant entrance exam in which I was failed at. My friend, a good friend of mine, passed the test and she will leave for a brand new life. Brand new future in her hometown where she will settle in a very good job. I envy! I'm happy for her. And precisely my happiness will be greater if I WERE in the same position as her. As the chosen.

I tried so hard to block my mind from thinking if only those 4 people who pass the exam unpredictably forget to check the website where it was officially announced or something (not till the point they got hurt) happened so the people under their names in the list up to replace them. What a f¥¥k!!! Shame on me!

This week will be one of the happiest moment for my parents. Our eldest sister will get married. Something they had waited patiently for long time. It will be the first wedding in our family. How my dad had tried his best to be healthy from being hospitalized two times in 2014. Just to welcome his daughter's dream comes true. I just think if I passed the test, my parents' happiness will be multiple.

I am a wise girl to friends in trouble. I advised them with care and sincere. I uttered the best words my brain can produce to make them sure if everything will be okay in the end. Like anon said, if it's not okay, it's not the end. But why are those pretty phrases not applicable to me? To my mind, exactly.

I know I'm foolish. I have a typical South East Asian girl eye size, kinda big eyes. But I can't see what a blissful life I have. Now I have an excuse to be more pathetic: I need a mirror to look at my self. And the mirror doesn't exist.

I do not want to be cursed. I want to reflect my self to others:
~ There are still some friends, some people I know, still can not earn money on their own. While I can! It's not a big amount of money I earn monthly but I rarely ask mommy just to fulfill my side needs.

~ Too many people are getting too many problems with their education. I can climb to higher level and some issues spread that started this year, postgraduate will be more 4 years to finish. I felt kinda late to apply to my postgraduate due to the higher cost fee than last year. But thinking the 4 years I will have to go through if I am late another one year kinda entertain me. But can I nag last once more (for this paragraph only), if I applied one year faster, I had been in the third semester and the cost is cheaper. *got kicked by Mt. Fuji*

~ My family is completely happy. Problems love us. But problems love everyone on this planet called Earth. They knocked every door and impolitely enter your life. Alhamdulillah, thanks God. He had kept us hundreds solutions for each problem. Just we can find them rightly or not. Every problem are solvable. It's only our decision to break it or just let it stay still.

~ I love my students. Do you know this feeling? Kids (they are teenagers, actually) from nowhere whom you acquainted with in a place called school. You and them introduced yourselves alternately. And the time flies. You realized how you hope the best come to each student you teach.

What I'm sad for? It's not shaming to say my self is a religious person. I believe in God has setted up the best future for me. For my family.
Having lunch with Auliya in newly opened Pikadeli last Sunday. It is the most appealing cafe in Delimas. You should thank me for not calling you a foodcourt. haha.. It was not our main purpose to ride our motorbike under the very hot sun. Au needed something important to buy and the lunch out was a complement. It ended with full tummy without satisfied feeling. I ordered Ice Corn with Longan and Au ordered Hot Lemon Tea for our beverages. Everything is from the canned ingredients!! The corns, longans and lemon. It was obviously a lemon syrup they pour with tea not the real lemon juice. And for the foods, my fried seafood kwe tiau was not that bad. At least it had the spicy taste in it. And Au ordered the same seafood kwe tiau but served with sauced. The kwe tiau was dried fried then poured with thick sauce.
