Hashim, a detective from the unity of Densus 88 (Datasemen Khusus/ Special Detachment 88) tried to uncover the incidence of suicide bomb that occured on a charity party where The Sultana was killed. 

Jake Travers, one of the suicide bob survivors was interogated because he seen talking to The Sultana before the bomb exploded. Jake claimed he was an assistant of foreign teacher and just admired The Sultana's beauty.

When the police van was attacked on the way to investigate the bomb location, Jake helped Hashim and he showed an ability of holding a gun that was not likely owned by someone working as an assistant of teacher. It made Hashim suspected him more.

 Hashim accepted Jake's offer to cooperate. The Sultana was still alive and Hashim's family was kidnapped by someone who's responsible for all. 
I think they should choose other actor to role The Sultan. Rudy Wowor was the best choice for Mayor Van Gaartner on Darah Garuda (Blood of Eagles) but for Java Heat, Conor Allyn supposed to find a man with strong Javanese visage to be The Sultan.
Conjuring poster.jpg

Caroline and Roger Perron moved into a dilapidated old farmhouse along with their five daughters and their dog Sadie. Everybody was happy entering their new house but Sadie didn't want to join its masters and looked like worrying on something very much. In the next morning, so many odd occurrences started to emerge. Sadie found lying died outside the house, the clock used to stop in 3.07, one of the daughters found a way to a cellar and the other girl saw a spirit said she wanted the Perron family to die.

Caroline contacted a couple of paranormal investigators and they found the house maybe plagued by devil and need the exorcism. The house's history revealed. It's belonged to a witch who sacrificed her children to the devil and cursed all who would take her land before suicide.
 The devil pervaded all mothers who moved into the house to kill their children.

Watched the movie last night with sister, Evi and Melda. If you're a craven like me, this movie is too scary to watch. My face liked being scuffed because I repeatedly covered it with my palm hands and just let my eyes watched the blur screen only. Felt relieved when I could passed the devil-appeared part . Not to mention I had blown because of hiding under my neck tee. Lol

But for Melda, the horror movie junkie, The Conjuring was only a normal one. She even said that she was disappointed as it's not as scary as many people said on social media, exaggeratedly. In one scene, she was shocked because of something suddenly-appear but in a very little way. Overall, according to her, like a food, this movie is a so so.

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'Surely we belong to God and to Him shall we return'

not because of the less efficacious medicines,
not because of the stopped efforts,
we love,
but God's love is much greater.

♥ Mama Tiar ♥ 
August 28th, 2013
Miss my always-nags Mommy and Dad's dorky jokes. It's been 2 nights for them to stay in the hospital along with Tigan, Mami and others to accompany my Mama who was treated in ICU room and need the dialysis 
 In Karonese, Mama means uncle, Mami means aunt and Tigan is grandma.
If only her mom allowed Chang to sleep just for this night here, maybe there will be such a full of laughter night. But she didn't get the permission though it's related to her deadline she asked me to help 

Had some heavy snacks last afternoon with Melda and Evi. This roadside stall had been well known for its Laksa since I was a little girl. I used to think it belonged to Chinese because they were the most buyers. No offense 

Melda ordered laksa. This girl has stayed in Lampung for so long, maybe. That's why she's curious about this dish and guessed the colour was green . It's just a rice noodle with soto and its complement; shredded chicken meat, bean sprouts, celery, fried onions and traditional crackers.

My order, ketoprak. Curly instant noodle with pecal sauce, fried tofu and cucumber slices. And rujak for Evi. The seller (Evi's friend) didn't know the rujak would be served to her, the spicy enthusiast, that's why the rujak came in sweetish taste.

This stall had been our favourite afternoon hangout spot to have yummy food with very affordable price 
Met my bestie Fani yesterday in PMF and as usual, it's not her if she's not late . Actually the first plan was we would visit Tjong A Fie Mansion but, next meet maybe. It's not because of her promise to treat me Pizza for lunch but, this girl had been too often to follow my will and now, my turn to follow hers. She wanted Pizza though she asked me first if I wanted to have lunch at my forever-favourite Es Teler 77. No, I preferred Pizza because it's more pricey. haha

I'm sure it's because of my starving. I tasted the beef fettuccine was so good. I'm not really into this kind of Italian food but yesterday it tasted so yummy and the Pizza, I didn't feel too early satiety as usual I ate it. Hunger was the best situation to enjoy some foods till the fullest, till the end 

Pardon my traditional taste. 
Somehow, this fettuccine looked like fried kwetiau very much 

Tried some shoes and I found two pairs which had been my favourite but canceled to buy them. The first one was too pricey. Even after the discount, it's still too pricey to me . Money money money come to Mama so I can shop without thinking so much about the price. haha. And the second, it's Fani's choice. So lovable with affordable price. But there was no size for my feet .

Entered more than 6 shoe stores, wishing I could find a pair of shoes which at least had a slight resemblance with the last one but the result was a zonk. Dramatically I said, "Oh. Now I know what broken hearted is. No matter how many choices can be found out there, the first one won't be replaceable" Fani: "So deep". Lol... No matter what, yesterday was a good time for us.

This girl is so lovely 
I know it's too late to post about Independence Day now, but late is better than not at all. Years back, Independence Day fallen on Ramadhan fasting month for 3 years in a row and for those times, there were no any celebration which always be fulfilled by physic activities, competitions and of course the foody time. And I saw for this year celebration, people look like not so enthusiast to welcome it. I found there were still some houses didn't plug the national flagpole in their front yard and very few people put the national flag on their vehicles. Not blaming the fasting month, okay .

Our neighborhoods always held the Day in the wide lawn owned by Alwashliyah and for this year, we just used the ground front yard because of the least number of games and participants . Oh, Melda and me joined the Cracker Eating Competition. We joined the Mother Class because there was no class for teenagers; we were not teenager anymore, though. I'm the winner.. I'm the winner.. From the last.. Lol. Seriously I was in the last position. haha. Scolded by one of the committees due to our not-serious behave. I disturbed Mel's cracker and she revenged. hahaha.

This is a competition I never won no matter how often I joined it when I was a kid, Sacks Race. I never won any single contest, though. When I joined Slowly Bike which the winner was the latest one reach the finish line, I was the first reached it. Lol

I never think to join this kind of game. Girl, this Nail in Bottle game can be one of the best ways to ruin your image. haha. The participants should run in a certain length from other line as fast as possible. Then put the nail tied in the end of plastic rope which had been tied to your back waist. Half-squat to suit the nail to be put into the bottle mouth.

Areca nut Tree Climbing was the most widely watched among the whole games. The tree trunk was covered by thick slippery oil with some envelopes with certain amount of money written on them hanged on it. And the flag valued the highest prize. One group consisted of 6-7 people and shoulder  to shoulder to get the grand prize.

Usually there were Volleyball, Tag of War, Leisurely Bike with a lucky draw and Kuda Kepang. But once again, it's better than nothing .
It's the first musical drama film I ever watched. Because it's a musical, 98% of the dialogues are lyrics and I love it. In the beginning, it's mentioned the movie was about the France Revolution but many articles tell people to enjoy it but get the history straight; it isn't about France Revolution. Okay, just leave it to the historians.

Just because of stealing a loaf of bread, Jean Valjean got punished for 5 years in jail and the number raised to 19 years because of several escaping trials. And during the time, he was called 24601. He got his parole but no one wanted his presence and it made him only knew hatred. Then he hided in a cemetery area of a church and a Bishop welcomed him warmly and served him good food.

It's the first time for him treated like a human. But so many valuable stuffs in the church dazzling his eyes and he couldn't stand to not steal them. He got caught by the authority and dragged him back to the Bishop as Valjean said that the stuffs were given by him. 

The Bishop explained the authority that Valjean said the truth and asked him to be freed. The Bishop instead added Valjean had forgot to bring the most valuable thing among them he had taken. The authority passed, and Bishop advised Valjean to use the stuffs to change him be a better man. Valjean was so touched and ripped his parole document to be a brand new man.

8 years later, he had become a kind hearted factory owner and a pride of the people's Mayor in Montreuil-sur-Mer. But, because he had against the parole law that he should make a report in the rest of his life; he had missed, he became a fugitive.

He could say that he was not 24601 as he was a honorable Mayor. Not to mention there was an innocent man arrested because of being alleged as him. But he didn't want to betray Bishop's trust and confessed he was the fugitive. He asked the Inspector 3 days to save a little girl, a daughter of his former female laborer who had been maligned as a prostitute. She sold her hair and teeth, and finally her body, to redeem her daughter.

Just watched the movie with the only sister of mine, three days ago. Oh, just need one night tight sleep to change everything back to its normal condition. Maybe I forget to mention that she threw a cup, till broke in pieces, in the quarrelling night. Lol. It's the main reason why we repeated the same mistake again and again. Too easy to make it up. We shouted, threw things, rude words, even sometimes there were some physical contacts but, just needed a trivial thing to calm it down.

My Sister enlisted A Royal Affair into her notebook's must-see movies list. It's a non-English movie; using Danish maybe. Watching a historical drama movie always drain our heart and mind. The only thing I hate from it  is the exaggerated sexual content. And the rests are really good. Of course the emotions built by the characters, breathtaking sceneries and the beautiful Renaissance gowns. I watched Anna and The King and I saw what make the gown that billow was bamboo arrangement inside the skirt.

It's about Caroline Mathilde who married to Denmark's insane king, Christian VII of Denmark. Christian's deviant behaviors; childish yet womanizing, he regularly visited the whorehouse even took the woman to his room and ignored his queen, gave Caroline a queen just for a status. And then Struensee came into their marriage life. He had been the King's physician and Christian listened to him the most. He loved Struensee like siblings. An affair was inevitable between Caroline and Struensee. Moreover they had the same missions about the rabbles; freed them from the slavery and so many unfair treatments by their masters. 

Stuensee took advantage from Christian's trust to him to remodel the cabinet and it's for the rabbles' sake, though. Mathilde gave a birth to a Crown Prince from Christian and a daughter from Stuensee.The insane King was too idiot to save his Queen and best friend. The third party who just thought their business took advantage from the King's stupidity and Caroline's and Stuensee's mistake. Christian had been a Doll King, Stuensee was beheaded and Caroline was exiled. 

Watching it till the end made my emotional flutter...

Do you remember your childhood cartoon movie Hansel & Gretel? The siblings who had been left by their father deep in the forest because of their stepmother's forced. They followed a bird which led them to a gingerbread house with candy window and an old woman lured them with comfort soft bed which made them followed her entering the house, and it turned out the woman was a witch loving to eat kids. Gretel outsmarted her and they could save themselves by pushing the witch's body to the burning oven.

Still love the cartoon but felt ashamed by your older age? Don't worry as the cartoon 'gets older' too. Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters is the childhood version's extended story. After saving themselves from the witch, Hansel & Gretel had been duo-siblings of witch hunters. They could eradicate 'amateur' witches easily till they hired by Augsburg's Mayor to solve children's kidnapping case in the town. 

Their hunting ability was strictly tested as they faced a 'pro' witch, Muriel; only 'pro' witches could change their appearances. They must stop the witch's ritual of Blood Moon which needed six young boys and six young girls who born in separated months, January to December, to create potion that would make dark witches impervious to fire. And white witch's heart was needed in the ritual and a fact revealed, Gretel was a white witch followed by other facts that their mother was a grand white witch who burned at the stake because of Muriel's rumor spreading. Muriel made Gretel as her target because her Mom was too strong for Muriel.

I think it becomes a trend for many films released based on the childhood cartoon movie. With its black comedy, this movie was a big no for children due to its sexual content, gore and so many sadistic scenes.

Big family from Dad's side come today to have some silaturrahmi. At the same time Dad asked Pak Tua's help to make holat (Simalungun tribe's typical food; grilled chicken neatly placed on a plate) and nitak (made of mashed rice, palm sugar and ginger). In Simalungun tradition, the two cuisines usually used as a 'tool' to convey any intention and hope, from parents to their children. With their two hands holding the plate and together give it while saying what they hope of what their children will achieve, and the child will accept the plate with his two hands too. 

I personally do not believe any tradition like that (never tell it to my parents). I just follow what they want and the only thing I love is the holat. It has a very unique taste. Not just anyone who can make it because too many rules to be done. And for the nitak, we are not allowed to taste it to know if we have got the balance flavor or not. We will get nitak just the way it will be in the end. I asked why and nobody can answer. Lol. They just 'threatened' me that I will get diarrhea if I against the rule. And my aunt said that with no kidding -,-"

Don't judge a book by its cover. I myself feel that picture is so disgusting. But it tastes something you'll never imagine till you really try it. Nyamz!!

I don't like the nitak. Too sweet in my taste. And before eat it, I was forced to must eat boiled chicken eggs filling with a ginger slice and cayenne pepper. Not only one but two! You are not allowed to bite it little by little but eat it at once. Twice for two eggs, okay. Lol.

This is the secret for holat. Never think it's slices of smoked meat, okay. It's the slices of bark called sitkam tree. Nobody in this house can tell me how to call sitkam in Bahasa so, yeah.. -,-"// The slices would be mashed and then squeezed the water. The juice which will be used in holat.

Continue with briefly relax in the beach. Lebaran atmosphere is still in the air and it made the people who felt the right to charge people to enter the beach be so stubborn. They gave so unreasonable price; 13k rupiahs for each person and there were 12 people in our group. We are local people! Moreover we came in the afternoon when many people had been out of there. Brother negotiated to give 20k rupiahs or we went to other beach. The people gave me LOL for accepting the price. huahahaha. 

This stupid kid, just like her Dad is so afraid of big water. The reason: afraid of drowning. Though she had the life ring, she still didn't want to join her cousins into the water. She preferred to play with the life ring on the sand  -,-"
