It's an injustice decision to call him callous. He just maintains his perfectionist and try to teach his students to be the best one. That is why he will never hesitate to give zero as your test score. Yes.. that round-shaped figure will decorate your paper right in the right side of your name if you finish the test out of the correct answer. Never think he will tolerate any single piece of mistake. Remedial is the only chance. Haha. But we love our lecturer this one. His enforcement pushes us to be better than we used to be. His rationality plays the role the right way. He will score you based on your competence not from how close you are with him personally.

One another thing, to hear so many rumours about our seniors failing in his subject, worry us so much. That caused Tari made a promise.

"If I get an A. I'll treat you in Kedai Awak!"

Here we go in Kedai Awak because she did it! She gets an A and a promise is a promise. 

Kedai Awak means My Stall in English. Seriously I will never come to this place again if they do not maintain their foods and beverages. The service is so good but we come to a cafe not to see people smiling but the foods. The good foods. But, for the reason of being a person who appreciates food so much, I finish all. 

Kedai Awak's signature dish Roti Kreak. It used to be known having 1 meter in length but now they cut the size to the half way.

Mango Jelly and Bluberry Widow. I really cannot tolerate the taste of the blue one. Sigh.

They call it Mie Persis. Exactly-the-same noodle. It supposed to be the noodle's appearance will be exactly the same like the picture on Indomie's packaging. But yeah..

If you like a dry fried chicken with tough meat. Just go with this fried rice.

Last night was the first time from the whole six months of my father's passed away, I ever dreamt of him. Constantly I cried hard the time I awakened from my dream. I could clearly remember his voice in my dream is the same I used to hear when he was alive. Bapak..😢

The dream was not more than 5 minutes in length I hope it was in hours seriously my God. 

In my dream, there was a tree on the ground of our home's right side (there is no one in reality). Bapak was having a nap on its branch and in my dream, I realised my father had passed away. I had no any single piece of fear in my heart seeing my late father is napping before me. 

Sad in my heart but another happy feeling approached my soul, in that dream. I asked him why took a nap on the tree? Why not take one inside? He answered. He answered my questions. I could clearly hear in my dream my father spoke with his real voice when he was alive. 

Suara Bapake 😢😢

He replied "hati-hati di Medan (take care in Medan)" and then he's gone 😭😭

I jumped and asked Nande and sissy exaggeratedly happy if they hear my father's voice right? You listen too, right? 

Then I was awakened.. And couldn't control my tears.. my breath.. my mind.. I am still waiting the answer to come. Why my father leaved us that fast..

For our region, the school holiday season was ended on Wednesday, January 6th 2016. So if other schools started their first day of school on Monday like usual, we still had two days of free time before starting the crazy cray monotone recurring schedules. Monday, the day where people have to go to their office or works, is considered by us to be the best day to have an escape. We thought it would be less crowded. It would not be like the sea of humans in every single piece of tourist attraction location because it was the holidays for schools, Christmas and New Year. But kinda a zonk. Oh yes.. It indeed was Monday. But people looked like they didn’t think it’s the time to back to the reality and stop having vacation. The traffic jam to every where was crazy. We stopped after two or three minutes run. Then stop for another longer minutes. The jam was so long. Start to think maybe this time Monday is not the best choice.

By renting a car we eight went to Berastagi. it is always a nice short trip every time we go to Berastagi. it’s not the place where we can try to visit new places. For people like us, where having holidays is always about if it’s not Danau Toba, it must be Berastagi, going there is all about having the green sight seeing to every direction you see, inhale the so fresh air, having lunch on the grass with other families and relax as well as have a nice nap under the tree, with a view of mountain right in front of your eyes, and also use the as cold fridge water in the public toilet. seriously I feel like my pores are really narrowing when I washed my face with water in Berastagi. our home is only 10 km from the beach so having the cold water used other than to make syrup but washing face is such an interesting experience to tell about. Hahaha..

It’s all we did in Gundaling. Unfortunately Sinabung is still activating its volcanic so there are some interesting places have been forbidden to visit. Lucky us the sun shines brightly. To be honest it’s too bright actually, in short that day is so hot. In Gundaling you can ride a horse. Or pay IDR 10k to take a photo with the horse. There is also a delman. A horse pedicab which you will sit at the seat attached to the horse’s body which will take you to run around Gundaling. Since I am a meat eater but against any activity to exploit animals, I just skip it and not recommend it to anyone. Bringing foods from home is the best decision since the food pricing in there is expensive tasting meh. But if only you want to experience having lunch with this view

We just chat and take a short nap in our tent and continue our trip Lumbini Park. Lumbini Park is a Buddhist Temple area opened free for public. Though it doesn’t limit the visitor to people with any certain religion, we decide not to enter the temple and prefer to see the huge garden it has at the back. We just think it will be so wise if we just let the inside of the temple purely for the right people to pray. If you are a first timer like us, don’t hesitate to ask the gardeners to show you which is the most interested part to see in there. Never be like us. We are so curious with a locked little gate and think if we just jump over it since it is just as high as my waist. Because we ask each other why this gate only be locked while other is opened? Till we know the answer from the gardener that it is the way to the rooms for the Monks.

The garden is so green and huge. It really freshens my eyes seriously. As I remember a doctor ever said having at least 30 minutes seeing the greens will be a great therapy healing our eyes problems. It will rest them as well. The air is so freaking freshening, if only we can make this nature air filter to Pakam and Perbaungan. Haha. It has been evening when we enter Lumbini so we just have 1 hour visit. FYI, if you wish to sightsee how it looks like inside the temple, never visit on Sunday. It is the time to pray. From Lumbini we down the road and drop by to Penatapan. A rest area where we can see Medan and its surrounding in a tiny dots look while enjoy a hot coffee or tea, Pop Mie or grilled corn. Da yum! I recommend you just look straight forward to the landscape in front of you and never look down if you never wish to see a huge scrapheaps.

Time to back home.. time to back home..

Having dinner in Mie Sop Kampung H.M. Joni branch. Seriously we will never come back there for dinner. It tastes like the broth is actually sold out but customers keep ordering the menu so our negative thinking lead us to consider they pour water into the broth. It tasteless seriously. Add exaggerated condiments like chili paste, soy sauce and tomato sauce if you want to make it taste something. Go there for lunch and you will get the best Mie Sop you ever think. The broth is so meaty. I love it because it has FATS but feel so light in my mouth. With sissy we don’t stop praising how delicious the soup is till we finish our meals.

Overall, the short trip is leaving aches to my legs but smiling to my heart.
