You will fall, lose, and get hurt. Accept that people will betray you and disappoint you. Accept that your life is not a movie with a perfect path. Accept that life can get rough and beat you until you cannot take it any more. Accept that you will not receive all what you seek. Why? Because this is reality, this is no fairytale. Life is not being tough on you only, life is tough on everyone. Now the question is, am I being pessimistic or optimistic? Well, it all depends on how you view it. Falling, losing and getting hurt are all characteristics of leaders. 
Leaders are people who have lost money, friends, and opportunities but did not lose hope. Leaders are people who powerfully rushed through their problems like soldiers rushing through their training. God is training you. And since when was training easy? How do you expect to become an expert without solving all the riddles? You need to answer all the questions, and master them before you teach them. 
Thus, God is training you for a day you are incapable of envisioning. For God sees a leader in you which you do not see in yourself. -- Mohammed Zeyara
