Yesterday I got a text from Yuyun about Winda's, our senior high friend, wedding.
So today Auliya and Chang came to my house to visit the sick girl a.k.a ME. lol
And also to attend the wedding.
As the plan we'll go to Yuyun's house where it'll be the basecamp as we dunno where Winda's house is.
4 pm was decided as the time to gather.
But it's delayed to 5 pm because Fadly was still in Medan.
Chang and Me even had time to buy ice cream while waiting them.
But till 5 pm the people we were waiting for didn't come yet -,-" 
Chang's forever ice cream.
She's really faithful to this ice cream.
Never try to betray it as she never choose other ice cream. haha
While waiting our friends, what else we could do beside selca-ing, eh?
Chang is the model of today.
She's the highlight in every picture with her sweet pink plus creamy colour blouse.

She nagged along the picture snapping about me never upload her photos on Facebook.
She remained me to upload her photo so she could change her Facebook profile picture -,-"

She used the picture with the caladium leaves as her profile display and the above one as her profile cover photo.
She commented on my album, "what a beautiful I am"
Eh -,-"

Auliya said that Yutri was drowning by the wave as she didn't reply any messages we sent.
I knew the reason when chatted with her on Fb that she must help her parents at home.
Good Girl!
At 5 pm something Yuyun arrived with her cousin.
We five went to the wedding without Fadly as it's too late if must wait for him from Medan.
But. But. But.
When we came to the wedding, the bride and the groom were not at the altar.
They were in their room changing their outfit.
So we dropped by the room to congratulate Winda and took a photo before going home since it's almost Maghrib already while Chang's and Au's were far.
I don't have the picture with the pengantin while Auliya has it but she just upload it to Fb.
The picture was so bad so didn't tempt to make it in this entry.
The picture I copied from Au's photo on Fb -,-"
Happy life, Girls!!
